+34 933 481 566 serom@serom.cat




Improving the future is part of our sustainable vision. That is why we contribute to driving economic growth and innovation, reaching the highest point of excellence in occupational health and safety, to create value by managing the impacts that our activity generates on society, customers, suppliers and workers.

development goals

Serom is actively working towards the fulfilment and promotion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The new sustainable development plan establishes the need for business involvement in the achievement of these 17 challenges of humanity, thanks to its strength of application in the environment and sector in which they operate.

Our goal is to find the best way to integrate the SDGs into the strategy and promote their implementation. That is why we focus on and contribute directly to the following goals:

Affordable and Clean Energy

Affordable and Clean Energy

Energy is central to almost all of the major challenges and opportunities facing the world today.
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Investments in infrastructure are fundamental to achieving sustainable development.
Sustainable Cities and Communities

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Making cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
Sustainable Cities and Communities

Responsible Consumption and Production

The goal of sustainable consumption and production is to make more and better things with fewer resources.

Managment Policy

Serom ensures customer satisfaction; respect for the sustainable development of the ecosystem; safe, healthy and harmonious workplaces; commitment to compliance with legal and contractual requirements; prevention of pollution, accidents at work and occupational diseases; prevention and response to emergencies and the promotion of social responsibility with its stakeholders.

Serom seeks to generate social, economic and environmental benefits for all stakeholders while providing its construction services, continuously improving and innovating its processes and use of resources. Serom has integrated the following principles and commitments into its management policy:


Criminal Compliance Plan

The company works towards compliance in all its systems and processes.

Equality Policy

The company has implemented equal opportunities and work-life balance policies for the entire workforce.

Sexual Harassment Policy

Express policy against sexual harassment at all hierarchical and organisational levels.

Code of Ethics

It works on the basis of a Code of Ethics that includes the most humane and socially responsible values.

Sustainable projects

Multi-purpose hospital building



Multipurpose Taulí building