IPSI school works and maintenance. Services and maintenance > Education > IPSI school works and maintenance " Client: Institut Pedagògica Sant Isidor, S.A. Situation: Constant reforms and adaptations of different spaces Location:...
Adequacy of Sarrià Jesuit spaces. Services and maintenance > Education > Adequacy of Sarrià Jesuit spaces " Client: Fundació Jesuïtes Educació Situation: Constant reforms and adaptations of different spaces Location:...
Adequacy and maintenance of Titan ships and offices. Services and maintenance > Industrial > Adequacy and maintenance of Titan ships and offices " Client: Indústrias Titan, S.A. Situation: Constant reforms and adaptations of different spaces Location:...
Alstom rooms repairs. Services and maintenance > Industrial > Alstom rooms repairs " Client: Alstom Transporte, S.A. Situation: Constant reforms and adaptations of different spaces Location: Santa Perpètua de Mogoda,...
Works and maintenance at the Quirónsalud Hospital in Barcelona. Services and maintenance > Health sector > Works and maintenance at the Quirónsalud Hospital in Barcelona " Client: Quirónsalud Situation: Constant reforms and adaptations of different spaces...